Aby korzystać z naszych aplikacji i konfiguracji, najpierw zarejestruj się w celu utworzenia konta ExpressVPN.

This guide will show you how to renew your ExpressVPN subscription.

If you purchased a subscription using a credit card or PayPal, the subscription will renew automatically after it expires. If you purchased a subscription using Paymentwall or Bitcoin, you will have to renew the subscription manually.

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Renew your subscription using credit card, or PayPal
Renew your subscription using Paymentwall
Renew your subscription using Bitcoin

Renew your account using credit card, or PayPal

Your ExpressVPN subscription will renew automatically after expiry (unless you have disabled auto-renewal). To renew your subscription manually:

  1. Sign in to your ExpressVPN account.
  2. Select Renew Now. (The Renew Now button will appear if your subscription is expiring soon.)
  3. Choose a plan and payment method.
  4. Select Order Now.

Need help? Contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for assistance.

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Renew your account using Paymentwall

If you purchased a subscription using Paymentwall, it will not be renewed automatically. To renew your subscription manually:

  1. Sign in to your ExpressVPN account.
  2. Select Renew Now. (The Renew Now button will appear if your subscription is expiring soon.)
  3. Choose a plan and payment method.
  4. Select Order Now.

Need help? Contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for assistance.

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Renew your account using Bitcoin

If you purchased a subscription using Bitcoin, it will not be renewed automatically. To renew your subscription manually, wait until it expires and purchase a new subscription using the same email address you used before.

Need help? Contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for assistance.

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