Use ExpressVPN on your devices.
고객님의 기기용 VPN이나 DNS가 필요하신가요?
지금 ExpressVPN에 가입하세요
Use ExpressVPN on your devices.
ExpressVPN 계정 하나로 모든 기기에서 이용
무료로 앱 이용하기
ExpressVPN has released a new app and website interface. If the images you see below do not reflect the latest app or website interface, note that the instructions still apply unless otherwise specified.

ExpressVPN regularly engages independent security auditors and penetration testers to review and strengthen the security of our service.

To access the full list of privacy and security audits:

Visit the Privacy and Security Audits page. If prompted, sign in to your ExpressVPN account.

ExpressVPN Sign in page with Sign In button highlighted.

You will see the full list of privacy and security audits. To download an audit, click or tap the download icon.

Click or tap the download icon to download the ExpressVPN audit report.

Some auditors may require you to agree to their terms and conditions before downloading the audit report. To proceed, read the terms and conditions, then select Agree & Download.

Agree to the terms and conditions before downloading the ExpressVPN audit report.

Need help? Contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.

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