Contact ExpressVPN Support if you need help.
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ExpressVPN has released a new app interface. If your app interface does not match what is shown below, update your ExpressVPN app.
Important: If your ExpressVPN free trial or subscription was initiated via the iOS App Store, refer to this guide.

This guide will explain how to get or extend an ExpressVPN subscription for iOS users who did not get a free trial or subscription via the App Store.

Note: Upgrades and renewals are not currently available within the ExpressVPN app for iOS.

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How to get a subscription after your free trial expires
How to extend an active subscription
How to renew your subscription after expiry

How to get a subscription after your free trial expires

Your free trial has expired.

To get a subscription after your free trial expires:

  1. Go to the ExpressVPN order page.
  2. Enter the same email address you used to sign up for ExpressVPN’s free trial.
  3. Complete payment.
  4. Continue using the ExpressVPN iOS app.

Need help? Contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.

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How to extend an active subscription

Your subscription has expired.

To extend your current subscription:

  1. Sign in to your ExpressVPN account.
  2. Select Renew Now. (The Renew Now button will appear if your subscription is expiring soon.)
  3. Choose a plan and payment method to proceed.
  4. Continue using the ExpressVPN iOS app.

Need help? Contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.

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How to renew your subscription after expiry

To renew your subscription:

  1. Sign in to your ExpressVPN account.
  2. Select Buy a New Subscription.
  3. Choose a payment method, then click Order Now.
  4. In the ExpressVPN app, select the Options menu (≡) > Sign out.
  5. Sign in to your account again.

Need help? Contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.

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