Per utilizzare le nostre app e configurazioni, prima devi aprire un nuovo account su ExpressVPN.

ExpressVPN has released a new app and website interface. If the images you see below do not reflect the latest app or website interface, note that the instructions still apply unless otherwise specified.

This tutorial guide will walk you through the steps to set up the ExpressVPN for Android app on your Nook HD.

The Nook HD runs a modified version of Android, so you can install the ExpressVPN app from the Play Store just like on any other Android device.

Jump to…

Install the app
Getting the .apk file from the ExpressVPN website
Set up ExpressVPN
Connect to an ExpressVPN server location
Disconnect from ExpressVPN

Install the app

* Please note that if you do not have access to the Play Store, the Nook HD may not allow you to install the app using the .apk file from the ExpressVPN website.

To download the app, tap the Apps button on your Nook HD.

open apps on nook

Tap the Play Store icon on your Nook HD to open the Play Store.

open the play store on your nook

Type “expressvpn” in the Play Store search bar, and tap the ExpressVPN icon to open it.

search for expressvpn in the play store

On the ExpressVPN app page, tap INSTALL to download the VPN to your Nook.

tap install to install expressvpn

Need help? Please contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.

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Getting the .apk file from the ExpressVPN website

Note: Your Nook may not allow the below procedure. If you have any issues with the procedure, please contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.

To get the .apk file, sign in to your ExpressVPN account using your ExpressVPN username and password.

sign in to your expressvpn account

Select Set Up on More Devices.

set up on more devices windows

Navigate to the Android section, then tap on Download APK.

download nook apk

Need help? Please contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.

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Set up ExpressVPN

Once the installation is complete, tap the Apps button on your Nook HD to view all your installed apps. Tap the ExpressVPN icon to launch the app.

launch the vpn from the apps

Tap Log In on the welcome screen.

tap the log in button on expressvpn

On the login screen, enter your email and password that you found earlier, then tap Log In.

enter your email and password, then log in

You will see a screen telling you your ExpressVPN account is activated. Tap Next to launch the app!

success! your vpn has been activated

Need help? Please contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.

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Connect to an ExpressVPN server location

Once the app launches, tap on the server location you wish to connect to.

choose a vpn server to connect to

You will see a message telling you that ExpressVPN is attempting to create a VPN connection. Check the box for I trust this application, then tap OK.

i trust this application, ok

When your Nook has successfully connected to our ExpressVPN server, you will see a screen like this!

your vpn is connected

Need help? Please contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.

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Disconnect from ExpressVPN

To disconnect from ExpressVPN, open the app on your Nook and tap Disconnect.

disconnect your vpn by clicking disconnect

Need help? Please contact the ExpressVPN Support Team for immediate assistance.

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Examples: Android, Windows, Linksys router

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